For one thing, I've been obsessively crocheting these:

They are Tunisian Short Row Dishcloths. I've made at least 6, and I've got another one going--I can't stop!

Pippin disapproves of my dishcloth obsession.
I also made a tiny terrarium in a pint mason jar, using some pebbles, some dirt, some moss, two tiny plants, and a plastic dinosaur.

Just last night I finished a basket woven from strips of an old street map. I am not very good at this.

I blame Illinois, whose map I used.

George pretends not to notice the lopsided basket to save me embarrassment.
Finally, I learned how to recycle greeting cards into tiny gift baskets.

They're an excellent size for the stitch markers I can't stop making. (Not pictured.)

These two backyard-dwelling snakes wish I had pictures of stitch markers. Or of their 4 friends.
In other news, our garden is planted with carrots, onions, and 3 kinds of beans. The onions are sprouting beautifully (we planted sets), and the carrots are just poking their noses up. No bean action yet, but those just got planted on Saturday. Yay garden!