Thursdays are always Ann Days. This means that I make no plans with friends for Thursday evenings. Thursdays are for me to either do errands and sit at home doing whatever I want, or just sit at home and do whatever I want (without errands). Lately, this has meant that I spend Thursday evenings under a big pile of yarn, trying to knit or crochet my way out.
Yesterday was no different. I had one big goal: knit my sock homework. I needed to get the foot done to 1 3/4" from the end, so I can learn to make toes tomorrow in my final sock class. It took me a few hours (measured in TV shows I listened to but didn't watch), but I did it! Hooray! I had planned to work on my Practice Sock last night too, but by that time Grey's Anatomy was on. I'm at the point in the Practice Sock where I need silence to wrap my head around picking up stitches and knitting the gussets (which I screwed up on my Real Sock--don't look too close!) and I wasn't about to miss the shiny rerun of Grey's!
I am such a dork.
(In other Dork News, I foolishly cast on my Practice Sock in a different yarn than I'm using for my Real Sock, because I wanted to see how the self-striping yarn looked. If I had been smart, I would have used the same yarn, and ended up with a pair right away. Not always very clever.)
Anyway, because I wasn't willing to turn off the idiot box, I grabbed my crochet hook and some of the Caron Perfect Match I got in the worsted grab bag I ordered from Herrschners. (I can't resist grab bags!) I made a couple of these:

Except that mine are medium blue. And I'm doing an extra round of double crochet at the end in black, because I'm a big copycat. I discovered that you can get 13 hexagons from one 7-oz. skein, if you're careful about your tension and the length of your ends. For the first 12, I was not, so of course I ran out of blue yarn two-thirds of the way through the final round. Luckily the final round is single crochet, so I was able to fudge my tension in the black round enough to more or less disguise the discrepancy. I'll have to remember to post some hexagon pictures that I didn't steal from the Lion Brand website. Here's another mark of my dorkitude: I bought a digital camera almost entirely so I could take pictures of my yarncraft, but gosh, it's just so much trouble to photograph things and transfer the pictures to my computer! Once I have hexagonned and edged all 35 ounces of grab bag goodness, I will connect them all up and have another afghan. Because a girl can never have too many afghans.

Edit: Photobucket to the rescue!
I just remembered that I have taken pictures of my blue hexagons. Here's one now!
See? Just like the other picture, only blue. Now imagine that it has black edging.
So is all your grab bag yarn medium blue? Or do we have other colors to look forward to? Maybe one day I'll get brave enough to order a grab bag. And did you get your bag o' sock yarn yet?
Ann -
David and I both love your blog. I just wanted to say thanks for the great yarncraft birthday present! The soap caddy, and washcloths are too cute as are the bath goodies. Sorry this is a little late but David and I have been crazy!!!!!
Thanks again
I actually got 5 different colors; there's cream, green, purple, and grey, too. I figured that I could be 12 bucks' worth of brave when it came to 32 ounces of grab bag yarn, since I was already ordering stuff.
I did get my bag o' sock yarn! And now that I know how to make socks, there'll be no stopping me!
Don't worry about being a little late; I completely understand how nuts getting ready to move can be. I'm glad to hear that you liked your gift! I hope you find the time to pamper yourself a little and have a spa day during the moving craziness.
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