I went to my first first Tuesday Night Stitch 'n' Bitch yesterday, and I had a lovely time. Jane, Leah, and Kay were lovely and very welcoming. (I'm sure the bribe--I mean, the bottle of wine--I brought had nothing to do with that.) Jane spent the whole time spinning on a drop spindle, making the teeniest little thread of yarn--it was so cool! She made yards and yards and yards of the stuff! Leah was knitting about a thousand stitches a minute on a huge, floor-length coat she had been commissioned to make, and Kay worked on a sock that was much cooler than either of my socks.
And I... I worked on the Practice Sock, which has now become Finished Sock #2. Ta-da!

Ooh, it's all stripey!
And here is my first pair of socks.

They do
so match. Shut up.
Also, there is no yarn on my coffee table.
Are there socks cooler than your socks? I love the faux-argyle of the red one but the other one is pretty too. I think they match; this from a woman wearing one red & yellow sock and one purple & orange sock. The only yarn on my coffee table is already crocheted up--so it qualifies as a display. ;)
I'm afraid there are socks that are cooler; they have cables and lacy bits on the cuffs, instead of just 2x2 ribbing. I have some patterns for those, and I plan to try them after I make another pair just like the one I already have.
I cleverly put some of the coffee table yarn into spare coffee mugs, so I can pretend that it's a design element.
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