I'm sorry for the long silence--late last week, life threw a serious curve ball that interrupted normal activities. So here are some overdue cat pictures.

I like this picture of Pippin--he looks very somber.

I interrupted George's bath.

And Eve has claimed yet another plastic bag.
In knitting news, I made a hat for Anne.

I really like the way it turned out.
And finally, in sewing news, I am a dumbass.
Remember that dress I'm making, the one where I womanfully admitted publicly to having tried to squeeze a dress out of too little fabric? It turns out I was wrong. I had plenty of fabric. What was my problem? I forgot that I was making the shorter of the two skirt options. D'oh! All better now.
Tonight I cut out my interfacing (after a quick trip to Hancock, because I really
didn't have enough interfacing), transferred all the necessary marks to the fabric, and read the directions. Tomorrow I may actually sew--after I do a little research and learn what instructions like "easestitch" and "catchstitch" mean.
Oh, and I nearly forgot! My Sock Roulette sock (the one I knitted) has been received. Go
here to see it! I'm really looking forward to getting my package (with the sock I didn't knit). I know it's on its way, and I'm really excited.