Monday, October 8, 2007


On Saturday I decided to start a dishcloth, to have something quick and easy to get me back in a good mood. Something to truly snap me out of my knitting funk. I picked a pattern I found through Ravelry: a cloth with a lacy bat pattern! I love bats, and I love Halloween, and I had a ball of orange cotton yarn from an Elmore-Pisgah grab bag. It seemed like it was meant to be. I cast on, and everything was going swimmingly--I messed up once or twice, but I went back and fixed it with no problems.

Until I got to Row 34. I knit it, and ended up with an extra stitch. I tinked it, thinking that all I needed to do was try it again--obviously, my attention had slipped for a moment along the way. I reknit, and it was still wrong. After the 4th attempt, it occurred to me that there might be an error in the pattern, but I was so frustrated at that point that I just put it down. Later in the evening I tried again, three more times--still wasn't getting it. And again, by the time I was mentally prepared to accept that it might not be my fault and examine the pattern for errors, I was too frustrated to make it to the end of the row. (I can be such a child sometimes!) I took it with me to Stitch and Bitch yesterday, and tried it again, once or twice (what's the definition of insanity, again?), and what do you know? It still wasn't coming out right. I handed the pattern to Robyn in desperation, and she spent three minutes with it before she declared, "Oh, right there should be K2, not K1!"

I am an idiot. You know what she did? She started at either end of the row and made it symmetrical. 'Cause it's a symmetrical pattern. I knew as soon as she said it that that was what she had done, but in my frustration I just hadn't quite gotten there yet.

Anyway, here's the stinkin' bat.

I actually think it's really cute, and I want to make about a dozen more, now that my pattern is fixed.

Part of my problem is that I have trouble accepting that patterns have errors. It's extremely silly--in my business, there's no escaping the fact that no one catches everything. Errors slip through all the time, even when you have professional editors looking at something. I'm also deeply doubtful of my ability to follow directions, it seems.

Lesson learned: I can, in fact, follow directions most of the time. Sometimes the pattern is wrong.


Barbara said...

Way cool bat, Ann! It would take me just as long, if not longer, to figure out that it was the pattern and not me. I do seem to be able to overlook errors, though, figuring that no one will notice. One of these days that'll catch up to me and what I'm making will disintegrate into a wad of yarn in my lap.

Ann said...

I tried to overlook an error, early on, but it threw the pattern off. :( I can overlook them if they're not glaringly obvious--in fact, I do it all the time!

Knitting Magic Girl said...

You definitely stuck with it! I would have thrown the dishcloth across the room, written the pattern designer, found out what was going on or cursed them out, depending on how they responded, then tried again :oP